Win CLI MCP Server
Model Context Protocol server for secure command-line interactions on Windows systems
🔌 MCP Tools
A secure command-line interaction server for Windows systems with multi-shell support
Category: System Integration & Security
This server enables controlled command-line operations across PowerShell, CMD, and Git Bash with robust security features. It supports SSH connections and implements comprehensive security controls including command blocking, directory restrictions, and argument validation.
Key Features:
- Multi-shell support (PowerShell, CMD, Git Bash)
- SSH connectivity for remote system management
- Granular security controls and command restrictions
- Configurable working directory validation
- Command logging and history tracking
# Add to claude_desktop_config.json
"mcpServers": {
"windows-cli": {
"command": "npx",
"args": ["-y", "@simonb97/server-win-cli"]
Custom Configuration:
"security": {
"maxCommandLength": 2000,
"blockedCommands": ["rm", "del", "rmdir"],
"allowedPaths": ["C:\\Users\\YourUsername"],
"restrictWorkingDirectory": true,
"logCommands": true
"shells": {
"powershell": {
"enabled": true,
"command": "powershell.exe",
"args": ["-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-Command"]
"ssh": {
"enabled": false,
"defaultTimeout": 30,
"connections": {}
Security Notes:
- Implements case-insensitive command blocking
- Validates working directories against allowed paths
- Protects against command injection
- Configurable command timeouts
- Smart argument validation system
This server prioritizes security while maintaining flexibility for legitimate system operations within defined boundaries.